art commissions

For questions & inquiries: ✦⚠️ Make sure to check all the other sections before reaching out!
(Last updated on: December 17th, 2024)
lunacyhilly's art commissions
samples & prices
(As of April 23rd, 2024)
› Waist up: $50 ~ 80USD
› Half body: $70 ~ 100USD
› Full body: $90 ~ 120USD
› Chibi: $60 ~ 90USD
These prices are based on the formats + coloring styles only ; your commission may end up pricier depending on the request.
Please refer to my Terms of Service for more information.
✦ Half body format ends at the crotch; legs will not be visible in this format!
For characters wearing a short skirt/dress, the drawing will stop at the end of the skirt, but longer skirt/dresses may be cropped or shortened for the format.
✦ Chibi styles may vary among my references, please specify which one you prefer when inquiring!
✦ While they are not shown on my page, it is also possible to go for alternative formats (knee up, headshot, bust up, etc.). Feel free to reach out for an estimate!
Simple coloring style consisting of 2 shading colors. Cooler tones, generally the recommended style if you want some shading without spending too much.
PRICES (per character)
› Waist up: $60USD
› Half body: $80USD
› Full body: $100USD
› Chibi: $70USD

A more detailed shading with 4 layers and more colors.
It looks sharper and stronger as the colors or edges aren't blended.
PRICES (per character)
› Waist up: $70USD
› Half body: $90USD
› Full body: $110USD
› Chibi: $80USD

A softer yet still detailed shading style, with 4 layers as well.
The colors blend more or less depending on each part, giving this style more volume than the others.
PRICES (per character)
› Waist up: $80USD
› Half body: $100USD
› Full body: $120USD
› Chibi: $90USD

An illustration made of one main hue of your choice.
Include background and many light / particle effetcs.It is strongly recommended to go with a hue that matches the palette of the requested character.
› Base price (Waist up): $75USD
+ Secondary hue*: $5USDFor other formats, feel free to reach
out to get a quote!*A different eye color than the main
hue doesn't count as a secondary one
and will always be done free of charge.
REGULAR PRICE (per icon)
› 1 icon: $50USD
› 2 matching icons: $85USD (SAVE $15USD)For bigger matching / group icons, please let me know so we can discuss a more fitting price!
Please understand that ordering several unrelated icons in a single bulk will not include the discount for matching icons.
› Price (per emote): $40USD
› Veteran price*: $30USD
› Additional characters & alternative versions: +50%› LARGE SET SPECIAL (15 emotes): $500USD
(SAVE $100USD!)
› Price (per emote): $75USD
› Veteran price*: $65USDA layered emote consist a psd file with parts of the character separated so you or someone else can animate the emote.⚠️ Please understand that I am only in charge of drawing / separating the parts and will not do the animation myself.
Veteran prices only apply to my old regular emote customers (5 or more emotes commissionned prior to June 1st, 2023).Veterans won't be affected by the price increase of standard emotes ($30USD), while layered emotes will be discounted ($65USD).
› BASE PRICE (fullbody): $1000USD
› BASE PRICE (chibi): $350USD
✦ VTuber model commissions greatly varying on the complexity and preferred style, the prices and times of completion truly depend on what you're looking for... Please take this base price with a grain of salt!
If you'd like a better estimate according to your case, do not hesitate to reach out!✦ While it's ideal to already have a rigger confirmed by the time you inquire for such a commission, this isn't mandatory either.✦ Unless requested otherwise, fullbody regular models will drawn in a soft shading style.✦ Chibi models will mostly be mostly base coloring or a very minimalistic shading; if you wish for a different style for the chibi model, the price will increase as well.
characters in order: Lilo, Luna, Pwyllou
If you are unsure which style belongs to which piece, or want to commission a piece in a style I've drawn that isn't offered on the page, feel free to reach out to me and we can discuss a price!
lunacyhilly's art commissions
(As of December 31st, 2023)
✦ By commissioning me, you must have fully read and agreed to my terms. Make sure you read them carefully.✦ If you cannot agree to those terms, you may not commission me.✦ Any oversight on your end regarding the terms written on this page are your sole responsibility.
There will be no refund if your expectations of the commission process does not fit what has already been established on this page.✦ Violating these terms may lead you to being blacklisted from commissioning again.
✦ By commissioning me, you are requesting my services as an artist only.✦ This will not grant you any sort of special bond, relationship or interaction outside of the work I owe you.
Please do not expect any kind of special treatment on my social media accounts or during my live streams.✦ I reserve the right to decline your commission for any reason.
✦ Payment will be done via PayPal, in American Dollars (USD) only.✦ Payment is NOT accepted through ko-fi / Streamlabs donations nor via Twitch bits / subscriptions.
Please make sure to wait for your invoice on PayPal as other kinds of donation cannot and will not be refunded.✦ Payment must be sent within the agreed date. If you cannot pay on time despite our agreement, the commission may be canceled.✦ Payment must be sent in full unless discussed otherwise beforehand. Please note that partial payment is only available for big commissions such as VTuber models.✦ I will not start working on your commission until receiving the full payment, unless a partial payment was agreed on by both parties beforehand.✦ In the case of a partial payment, the first half will be required before I start working on your commission; the second half can either be sent after the approval stage (sketch preview) or once I am finished with the piece, before sending the final files. The timing of the payment depends on each case.✦ Please note that 100% of the payment will be required from the moment you have approved the preview phase (sketch). Even in the case of a partial payment, you cannot back up past this phase, with the exception of me becoming unable to finish your piece within the agreed deadline, or at all. In which case, a full refund can be provided.
✦ Full refunds are only available if I haven’t started working on your sketch, or if I become unable to finish your commission by the deadline agreed on, or at all.✦ A full refund will also be provided if I must cancel your commission due to external reasons.✦ If the sketch has already been provided by the time of a request for a refund, only 70% of the price will be returned. Please note that you cannot use this sketch afterwards, except for a reference use - you may not commission someone else to finish or complete this sketch unless it was formerly discussed and approved between us, nor can you finish this sketch by coloring, tracing over it or editing the piece in any way.✦ Refunds are no longer available past the approval stage, in which you would have already approved the sketch preview I sent to you. The exception only applies if I end up unable to finish your commission on time or at all; in which case, a full refund will be offered.
✦ Do not copy, trace or claim the artwork as your own creation.✦ Similarly, please do not edit or alter the drawing itself without discussing it with me beforehand.
(This rule does NOT apply to layered emotes or VTuber models, as they need to be altered to some extent in order to being animated.)✦ Unless discussed otherwise, commissions are made for personal use only. The exception applies to PNG models, VTuber models and emote commissions who are already considered semi-commercial.✦ You may use the personal commissioned pieces for your thumbnails, streams (stickers / gacha not included), schedules, panels, twitter posts, icons and headers as long as proper credit is given (refer to the CREDITS category for more information).✦ Without the full commercial rights, you may not resell the commission itself, make merchandise or direct profit from the artwork.✦ Commissioned art may not be resold or reused as non-fungible tokens (NFT).✦ Commissioned art may also not be used for AI training in any way.✦ Commissions with commercial use in mind must be discussed beforehand, as different fees may apply depending on its specific use.
If there is a plan to use a personal commission for commercial purposes after the commission took place, please make sure to discuss it with me again, as approval must be given and additional fees must be considered.
✦ Additional charges will apply in case of a complex design, except for emotes in which the designs will be simplified.✦ Additional fees may also apply to props such as: food, weapons, animals, or background extras.✦ A lack of a proper visual reference will also lead to a fee. This applies to text only descriptions, various disorganized pictures taken from everywhere on the Internet, and/or reference pictures with many changes to it. Some outfit changes may lead to a fee as well.✦ References of real people can be declined, or accepted with additional fees - it is strongly recommended to use a drawing reference instead.✦ As mentioned in the USE category, commercial rights also comes with an additional fee.
These fees either work via royalties and / or a one-time increase of the commission price; the chosen fee depends on each case.✦ Unless discussed otherwise, commissions outside of VTuber models are guaranteed to be done within 50 days after receiving the payment; if you have a shorter deadline, additional rush fees will apply - the fee will increase depending on the time left, my current schedule as well as the amount of work required for the commission.
Please keep in mind that any of those deadlines, rushed or not, can only be met with your cooperation; make sure to be available when I send you previews so the potential adjustments can be made on time. For rush fees, it is usually preferable to answer within one or two days upon receiving the sketch for the approval stage.
A refund of the deadline fees or commission itself will not take place if the delay is due to a slow or lack of communication on your end.✦ A NDA or request for privacy (the piece not to be streamed and / or shared online, either at all or until a specific date) may lead to additional fees. Please note that not asking for privacy does not guarantee the work will be streamed / shared either.✦ Most adjustments are made in the approval (sketch preview) phase. Make sure to be as specific as possible when commissioning and during the step mentioned above, as adjustments requested later on can be very troublesome to work with.
Any adjustment request post that phase that is due to you changing your mind, not paying attention to the "issue" already existing in the sketch, or being too vague about your requests can lead to additional fees.
Of course, any mistakes on my end such as inaccuracies from the given references (mostly colors) / from the sketch or anatomy issues will be fixed for free.
✦ Please be sure to credit me when you use or repost the art I have made for you. Preferred link is ›✦ Twitter icons must be credited somewhere in your biography or visible on your pinned tweet.✦ For streamers actively promoting their content on Twitter, VTuber or PNG models must be credited in your Twitter biography or in a pinned tweet, unless the model is no longer used / replaced by a different one. On Twitch, it also requires proper credit in an appropriate panel as well as an artist badge (see how HERE), for as long as the model is used.✦ Twitter posts using my art must include proper credit to my Twitter account as well - either a full link or a tag with my handle (common ways of crediting: “”; “@lunacyhilly”; “@.lunacyhilly”; “@/lunacyhilly”, "#lunacyhilly")✦ Emotes must be properly credited on Twitch in a dedicated panel and via the emote attribution category (see how HERE)✦ My services for subscriber badges, Twitch icons or any kind of art used regularly in your streams must be properly mentioned in your credit panel as well.✦ In case of a design commission, credit is required in the panel for as long as the design is used, whether I drew the model or not.✦ In the case of YouTube icons, banners, emotes, badges, models or any kind of art used regularly on stream, credit is also required in your channel description or in the description of your video/stream using them. (depending on the use of your channel)
✦ Please only request to be added to the list if you are certain you will be commissioning.✦ The exception applies if my prices change by the time I can work on your piece.
✦ Unless discussed beforehand, I reserve the right to share the commission process on my streams or social media.✦ This does NOT guarantee that the commission will be streamed or shared on social media.✦ Additional charges may apply if you request to keep the commission confidential (for a specific amount of time or forever).
lunacyhilly's art commissions
commission process
(As of October 20th, 2024)

emote animation by subwuf
Please have a proper look at my commission page to hopefully find all the information you need!
Make sure to check everything before inquiring or asking questions that may already be answered here, to save time for everyone.Most importantly, make sure you have read my Terms of Service thoroughly before inquiring, as I will not be able to accept your commission if you haven't read them or cannot agree to these terms.If you still have questions regarding my commissions that you couldn't find answers for, feel free to ask anyway in the following step!
Message me on Twitter (lunacyhilly) or send me an e-mail at your message, make sure you provide the following information:
✦ The type of commission you're interested in ordering (format + coloring style, unless the commission type only has one style available).
✦ The character(s)' reference(s). Tell me a bit about their personality, or at least the vibe you’d like them to have in the drawing!
If your commission includes several characters interacting with each other, let me know what kind of relationship they have as well!
AI generated pictures will not be accepted as a reference.
✦ The deadline for your commission, if there is one.
✦ Whether the drawing can be streamed / shared on social media or must remain confidential.
✦ Whether the drawing will be used for personal or for commercial purposes (if you are unsure in which category your purposes belong to, you can tell me how you will use the art more specifically).
If you have any questions or additional notes you want me to know, feel free to include them as well!
For security reasons and organisation purposes, it is strongly encouraged to write all the necessary information in a single (Google) document instead of sending every picture separately.
Some files sent through email may not be opened if they seem potentially harmful, similarly to suspicious links.
Make sure to be clear and direct about what you're messaging me for, as conversation starter messages such as "Hi!", "Hello", "Sup" etc. without any information are interpreted as spam / bots and discarded.
Once all of our questions are answered and we have agreed on the specifics of your commission, you will be sent an invoice through PayPal.You are generally expected to pay the invoice within the next few days, unless discussed otherwise beforehand; if you cannot pay right away and need more time, please let me know preferably before the invoice is sent (I will ask for your PayPal address first, so you can tell me around that time) so I can send it in a more appropriate time for you.If you cannot pay right away and also don't have an estimate of when you will be able to do so, you will be added to a waiting list in which I will check on your situation if there is no update after a month.
After 3 months have passed since our agreement on the inquiry, the commission will be cancelled.
You may inquire again once you are ready to pay.The piece will be started upon receiving the full payment, unless discussed otherwise.
Within a week or two after sending the payment, you should receive a sketch preview for your drawing.This is the approval stage of the commission; if you want any changes to be made, now is the time to ask!
Making changes past this step can be very troublesome and will most likely lead to additional fees (more info can be found in my TOS), so make sure to review the sketch carefully.
If you have any questions, I remain available to clarify anything!If you would like anything changed, please try to be as specific as possible in your feedback so I can get your sketch more accurately!
Adjustment previews should be sent within the next few days, in which you will remain able to request more changes if necessary.Please also understand that a slow or lack of response on your end may lead to a delay in your commission which will not be refunded, even if you paid for a rush fee (please refer to my TOS for more information.)Once the sketch is approved, you can no longer ask for a refund of the commission, unless I can't complete your commission by the agreed deadline or at all (more info in my TOS).
Once your commission is finished, you will receive the files in their original resolution through a dropbox link or via e-mail, depending on what we agreed on.Please remember to download the files and store them somewhere safe and easy for you to access, as my download links are not meant to last forever and my dropbox will get cleaned out eventually!A watermarked version is usually included in the folder to prevent undesired use or reposts of the piece.
Using this version when you upload the piece is up to you, but it is strongly recommended.Unless you specifically asked me not to do so, I may share the drawing on my social media by using the watermarked version.
Of course, you’re free to upload the drawing on your own social media accounts, but make sure to properly credit me for the piece (see how in my TOS (CREDITS))!
If you have any questions regarding my commissions, my DMs are always open but please be direct with your question when messaging me, as conversation starter messages such as "Hi!", "Hello", "Sup" etc. without any information are interpreted as spam / bots and discarded.
Thank you!
If my commissions are closed at the time, you can always request to be added to the Waiting List and be contacted before I officially re-open them.The process is pretty similar; just contact me like indicated in the INQUIRY step above, and let me know you'd like to be added to the list!Please also specify what kind of commission you're planning to order later - you can even start sending references and all the information you have so we can save up some time later on!Please do not request to be added to the Waiting List if you aren't sure you will actually commission me!
If you are only considering it, please come back again once you are certain you want to order.